Finding the perfect home is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. Selecting a Joyful home to live in doesn’t need to be a daunting ordeal.

When you know what to expect and what you need to do, you’re embarking on a grand adventure. Keep your vision clear. Don’t let a busy agent, your well-meaning friends, or loving family influence you.

Three Phases to Buying a Great Home 

1. Getting Ready to Buy 

 First, Reality Check
Is moving feasible? If you already own a house, is it ready to sell? Do you qualify for a new mortgage? Will higher property taxes cause stress?  Don’t forget moving costs, hard labor, and unexpected surprise expenses.

Some links to help you:

Homebuying Glossary

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Website 
You can get three free credit reports a year—one from each credit reporting agency at

Affordability Calculator

Down Payment Assistance Resources 

HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agencies

Savings Calculator

Spending Calculator

CFPB Income Benefits Tracker (Income)

 Next, Location Check

The Power of Place needs far more attention than it gets. The hometown with extended family usually outweighs most desired neighborhood requirements. However, if you’re looking for a new community to call home, make a list of your must haves followed by desires. Waste no time worrying about the “Top Ten” Places. I searched and found they are different all over the US internet according to advertising dollars. You don’t need to concern yourself with popular or trending cities. In fact 7 of the top ten on one site had over 100 days over 100 degrees for the past two years.

Fire Insurance Check
Be sure any location you want to spent time checking out can get normal fire insurance. Some areas in Northern California are impossible to insure except for California Fair Plan subsidized by the state. Our insurance was raised to $9,000 on that plan. However, we were told NO by one agency for a home we purchased. Another company sold us super affordable insurance because our home is only 1.5 miles to the ocean and no home has burned by wildfire in this temperate area. Know your geography and make a friend with a fire insurance agent!

2. Finding Your Happy Home

 Joy to the Home Real Estate created this website to help home buyers find a special home to support their happiness. Home Buyers may join our free home-buying webinars and are free to purchase without our help.I personally approve all homes posted here by the listing agent. I offer a limited number of Design Psychology Plans to Home Buyers.Jeanette Joy Fisher

3. SUCCESSFUL Closing & Move

Don’t purchase anyhing on credit during your escrow or closing wait time. You couold jepordize your loan.

Celebrate your excitement! 

Joy to the Home Real Estate Buyers Help

About the Author

Motivated by world peace for the children, Jeanette JOY Fisher wants to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and heal the broken-hearted. She taught Design Psychology, Real Estate Investing, and Attraction Marketing. The author of nonfiction books and textbooks, Fisher dreams of retiring and writing fiction. First, she’s working on JOY TV Network and helping worthy causes. Contact her if you have a charity to share. WHY DO WE WANT TO HELP YOU? PROSPERITY ENABLES PHILANTHROPY FOR PEACE! See